
⊢ overview

(with Charles Reiss)

This page allows the user to interact with an implementation of the model of reduplication developed in our manuscript Reduplication as Projection [2020 update: the most recent version of the paper is available here]. The model is closely derived from Halle's 2008 approach:

  • Reduplicative morphology consists of the insertion of various junctures at phonologically defined anchor points within a morphological domain, such as a stem
  • The phonology interprets the brackets by projecting material within their scope to create a hierarchically structured representation whose linearization is simply read off from the terminal nodes in the resulting tree from left to right.

In the paper, the structures are shown to play a role in the application of structure-dependent phonological rules, allowing us to generate so-called "backcopying" effects derivationally.

⊢ paper & slides

In addition to the paper, you can read slides from a talk originally given at GLOW 32.

⊢ a brief explanation of the junctures

(We recommend that you read the second section of the paper before proceeding.)

The top-level reduplication domain must be defined by surrounding phonological material with square brackets. For example: given a[bcd]e, the reduplication domain is bcd. The edges of a reduplication domain delimit substring projection and nesting.

Within the reduplication domain, the following junctures can be used:

Juncture Description
} Define a nested reduplication domain containing material to the left of the juncture in the left branch.
{ Define a nested reduplication domain containing material to the right of the juncture in the right branch.
< Only interpretable in the left branch: project material to the right of the juncture.
> Only interpretable in the right branch: project material to the left of the juncture.

N.B. Our definitions of < and > are essentially complements of those presented in Halle 2008 for reasons explained in the paper.

⊢ interaction

You can interact with the projection scheme online; enter your input below and click Project: